Buying a home can be a great investment, but all too often people buy a home too quickly and don't count all the costs. So below we've listed some tough questions to ask yourself before you buy a home.
Many times people start the home-buying process by asking the questions, "How much house can I afford?" This is usually the wrong question. The better question should be, "Am I at a healthy place financially to do this?" Here are 4 questions to help you answer that major one.
A. I consistently hear from people who are young and wanting a place of their own that renting is simply throwing money down the drain. They could be building equity in a home of their own, but they feel stuck in paying off someone else's mortgage. So is it better to keep renting or should they buy their own?
What is this page about?This page is dedicated to answering some of the most common questions that we have heard from our class members.
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