“If you are looking at your financial house and realizing that it needs
major help or even a minor repair, then we highly encourage you to attend REALIGN and DO WHAT IT SAYS. You won’t regret it.”
Chip and Joanna Gaines
Hosts of popular TV show
There Is Hope!
It doesn't matter where you are currently in your financial story, whether you have thousands of dollars in debt, you are barely making ends meet, or you want to learn more about God's purpose for our money - the REALIGN class is for you. Over the years thousands of people have gone through the REALIGN class and more than getting out of debt and on a budget, they have had HOPE RESTORED!
Through REALIGN You Will:
- Be challenged to bring God into every area of your life
- Dig deeper into scripture and renew your mind with truth
- Thrive in your relationships in regards to money
- Connect with others through small group discussion
- And learn to become an extravagant giver.
- Dig deeper into scripture and renew your mind with truth
- Thrive in your relationships in regards to money
- Connect with others through small group discussion
- And learn to become an extravagant giver.
“REALIGN helped me realize that there was a brokenness inside of me that led to my financial issues. In order to fix my finances, I first had to realign my beliefs. I experienced a freedom in Christ first – He then helped me understand the truth that my resources are to advance His Kingdom, not my own!”
Georgia - Class Member
"Imagine feeling perfectly at peace about your finances. |
Go Through the Class At Home!
Make the choice today to be a part of a class that will forever change your financial future. REALIGN is a course that will dramatically change your financial future. The investment in this course is small compared to the incredible change you will experience financially and spiritually.
Whether you participate with a live class or utilize our options for virtual study at home, there is an option for you to realign!
Whether you participate with a live class or utilize our options for virtual study at home, there is an option for you to realign!